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The Global Summer School programme is a full-time two weeks course that will run from the 29th June until the 11th July 2020: workshops, lectures and prototyping will happen at the same time in different geographic areas worldwide.
The GSS workshop provides to its participants both practical and theoretical knowledge. The program is led by expert tutors, combined with lectures by renowned professionals and academics relevant to the GSS BRIEF and GLOBAL AGENDA 2020 to be treated during the course. These will be broadcasted in the different node-cities, all globally connected. Participants will join a global agenda and an international laboratory at their disposal to test their design hypothesis, understanding how design conclusions derived locally can be tested and evolved globally in the different cities where other teams reside. Please adapt this paragraph to your node structures, feel free to add more text.
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To register to the Global Summer School, participants need to fill their personal details and to upload a Cv in the Application form below. GSS20 dates are from 29th June to 11th July and applications are open until the the 31st of May 2020.
For more information: [email protected]
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IAAC GSS is open to creative and innovative people who are interested in fields such as architecture, urban planning, digital fabrication, design, etc., searching for a multidisciplinary experience in an international environment. No previous skills are required, although CAD design, programming and digital fabrication skills are welcome. The official language of the course is English.
After the course, the participants will have gained theoretical and applicative knowledge about advanced design strategies. They will be familiar with parametric software, data visualization and use of digital machines. The last day of course participants will join a presentation of developed projects reviewed by a renown jury and will receive a Global Summer School Diploma.
Each participant is responsible to investigate which documents are required via the embassies in their country of origin. The school will provide a confirmation letter regarding the participation to the course, and will assist where possible the visa process.
Applicants fee for Melbourne node is xxxx and includes all material costs needed for the course. No additional registration fee required. Flight tickets, accommodation, food are not included in the fee.
Each participant should bring his/her own computer with the software installed. More details on the software will be given to the participants upon acceptance.