
Digital Slum_2010

The Digital Slum is a project developed by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) and the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) during the summer workshop IaaC Summer School held in August 2010 at the premises of the IAAC and the Fab Lab Barcelona, and its context is inserted within the informalism agenda.

The project is the joint development between students, teachers and professionals UCV, together with the professorial team of IAAC and colleagues.

Operational Aspects of the Digital Slum:
– Made almost entirely with leftover material from the IAAC Fab Lab House
– Made entirely in a Fab Lab with CNC machines, with the possibility of being produced anywhere in the world with sending files through Internet for its construction.
– Able to produce (theoretically) the amount of energy it needs (2Kw per day). The Fab Lab House produces about 30kWh with 150 flexible photovoltaic panels, produces 2Kwh Digital Ranch with 10 panels of the same type. In Spain and Europe can sell excess power to the grid, in countries like Venezuela that infrastructure has not been installed, but there is the regulation of consumption to a maximum Lady era online pharmacy of 16kW per day due to the electricity crisis experienced by the drought and lack of infrastructure updated.
– Made with 80% renewable materials such as wood, which could be produced locally.
– Based on a parametric design, which can be adapted to different spatial demands and inserted in variable topography, and also could be scaled in energy consumption.
– Able to collect water through folded roof system, which allows the channeling of rainwater storage tanks.
– Designed, prototyped and built in two weeks.

The aim of Informalism is to study, analyze and intervene in non-formal aspects of the city, those self-generated processes and self-produced by emerging forces in critical moments and needs. This research is focused on empowering the forces acting on the production of reality, give them advanced tools personal digital manufacturing, promoting development through self-fabrication 2.0, mixing low-tech and high tech means for the intervention of the private and public space.

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