Petra Gruber




Dr.  Petra  Gruber is  an architect  with a strong  interest in inter-­  and transdisciplinary design. Apart from her professional work  as an architect she holds a PhD in  Biomimetics in   Architecture from the Vienna  University of Technology in Austria and collaborated  as a   research fellow at the Centre for Biomimetics at  The University of Reading, UK. She taught Biomimetics in  Energy Systems at the University of Applied Sciences in Villach, Austria and held lectures and workshops at universities worldwide. As a visiting professor for Architectural Design and Building Science she set up a master program in Advanced Architectural Design at the Addis  Ababa University in Ethiopia. Her research spans from projects for the European  Space Agency on lunar base design informed by folding principles from nature to arts-­based research on the translation of growth principles from nature into proto-­architectural spatial solutions. Since 2016 Dr. Gruber is based at the Myers School of Arts and the Department of Biology for the Biomimicry Research and Innovation Center BRIC at The University of Akron.


2008 PhD in Biomimetics in Architecture,  Vienna University of Technology in Austria
1999 Diploma in Architectural Design at Vienna University of Technology in Austria

Selected Publications  

  •   Imhof,  B., Gruber,  P. (Eds.) 2015.  Built to grow -­?  Blending Architecture  and Biology. Edition  Angewandte,  Birkhäuser Verlag Vienna Austria.
  •   Gruber,  P., Imhof  B. (Eds.). What  is the architect doing in the jungle? Biornametics  ? Architecture  defined by natural  patterns. Edition Angewandte,  Springer Vienna Austria.
  •   Jeronimidis,  G., Gruber, P.  (Eds.) 2012. Special  Issue on Bioinspired Architecture  / Construction in: Bioinspiration and Biomimetics.
  •   Bruckner,  D., Gebeshuber,  I. C., Gruber, P.,  Hellmich, C., Stachelberger,  H. (Eds.) 2011. Bionics:  Materials ?  Structures ? Processes,  examples, ideas and case studies.  Springer. ISBN 978­?3­?642?11933?0
  •   Gruber P. Biomimetics  in Architecture ?  Architecture of Life and  Buildings. Springer. ISBN  978­?3?7091?0331?9
  •   Gebeshuber,  I. C., Gruber,  P., Drack, M. 2009.  A gaze into the crystal  ball ­? biomimetics  in the year  2059. Proc. IMechE  Part C: J. Mech. Eng.  Sci. 223(C12), 50st  Anniversary Issue: 2899­?2918. doi: 10.1243/09544062JMES1563